List of Available LLLL.INs as of Feb 1st, 2018

Here are list of all available LLLL.INs as of the scan done on Feb 1st, 2018. You can download the zip file here with the list of available domains. –> DOWNLOAD HERE.

Remaining: 402,916 / 456,976
Registered: 54,060
%Remaining: 88.17%

CVCV Names Available: 784
VCVC Names Available: 8,280
AAAB Names Available: 149
ABBB Names Available: 122
ABAB Names Available: 185
AABB Names Available: 60
ABBA Names Available: 413
CHIP Names Available: 149,852

The trend graph is:

Another Milestone for Dropping LLL.INs

To those familiar with the .in domain space, would be aware that there is an LLL.IN buyout holding for quite some time. There are LLL.In drops, that are registered immediately. Over the months following the buyout, the number of names dropping has reduced month over month. We have tracked this number here. For the month of October, we have reached an important milestone. The number of potential drops is under 10 for the first time. Please note that we are counting an LLL.IN as a potential drop if the state in “PENDING DELETE SCHEDULED FOR RELEASE” or “PENDING DELETE RESTORABLE.” If a domain has a status of “PENDING DELETE RESTORABLE,” it is very much possible that the domain could be renewed and as a consequence not drop. This happens sometimes, but not so common and hence ignoring it. So why is this milestone significant? These are the implications:

1. The LLL.IN buyout is strong as it has ever been.
2. LLL.INs are steadily increasing in price among domainers. I would say that the price today is $250-$350 among resellers for ordinary LLL.INs
3. LLL.INs have become far more liquid, and there are lots of domainers looking to buy them.

Below is the graph that shows the number of drops each month for this year. Hopefully we get 0 monthly LLL.IN drops in 2017.


Study of Dropped LLL.INs

In one of the previous posts, we observed that since the last buyout, fewer and fewer LLL.INs are getting dropped. This is a good thing for the stability of LLL.INs and price increase.

In this post, we’ll take a dive into what kinds of LLL.INs are dropping. Before we put up stats, let’s get some nomenclature out of the way so that we are all on the same page. If you have been domaining for some time, you would have undoubtedly heard the terms like western premium, chips, etc. Let’s refresh this again for the benefit for all:

  • Western Premiums: Usually for LLL and LLLL names where each letter comprises of ABCDEFGHLMNOPRST only.
  • CHIPS: Stands for CHInese PremiumS, and contains alphabets, that does NOT include AEIOU and V
  • Indian Premiums: Since Indian domain market is still in its infancy there is no name assigned to India Premiums akin to CHIPS for the Chinese Market. But that does not mean that there Western Premium and Indian Premium alphabets exactly are the same. Based on common usage of certain alphabets in Indian languages, it has been observed that K and V, in addition to the Western Premium alphabets are considered are common and can be construed as Indian Premiums. So the alphabets that form Indian Premiums are ABCDEFGHKLMNOPRSTV.

Now since the naming convention & terminologies are all ironed out, let’s dive into stats. But, before I dive into the stats, just a note on data that is used to pull the stats:

  1. The LLL.IN dropping stats were regularly collected since mid-2008. So we have about eight years of solid data.
  2. A LLL.IN name was assumed to be dropping if it was in PENDING DELETE RESTORABLE or PENDING DELETE SCHEDULED FOR RELEASE state. In the former, it is possible that the name could have been restored & hence did not drop. Such cases although possible are very very small in number, and although the raw numbers change because of that, the conclusions derived from the stats will not be impacted by minor noise or edge cases.

Finally, all the preliminary points are covered, here is the first table:

Number of Times a LLL.IN Has DroppedNumber of Different LLL.Ins

The first column is the number of times a LLL.IN has dropped over eight years. So for example say a name like JTQ.IN was dropped in 2010 and registered after it was dropped, but it was again dropped in 2014, this name would be part of “2” in this column. The second column is the total count of all unique names that dropped. So basically we are trying to see how many different LLL.INs dropped over eight years and how many times did they drop. As evident from the table above, ~5000 names dropped at least once in the course of eight years. Another observation is that fewer and fewer names having been dropping multiple times. Three of the names dropped seven times in the last eight years. The names were — AFZ.IN, MGZ.IN and VDU.IN.

Remember, we talked about Western Premium, etc. above, the reason we talked about it because of the next chart:

The chart puts the dropped LLL.IN names into categories so that we can see how they fared. Clearly, you can discern that there is a huge difference between Premiums (Indian + Western) and Others. Most of the Western Premiums that dropped the first time had NOT been dropped again. No Western Premium has dropped more than two times. There is a drop off in Indian Premium names as well, and there are fewer Indian Premium names that have dropped several times.

Registrant’s Country Breakdown for,, and

In one of our previous posts — we listed the breakdown of registrant’s country of origin for domain. In this post, I’ll list out the registrant’s country for the three categories which there is a firm buyout.

All these stats are based on the scan I completed around May 27th, 2016. So here are the breakdown for LLL.ins (Hover over the maps to see more details) :

Based on the above map, you would see that US and India dominate the space. Right now owners of LLL.INs are spread across 80 countries. However, I have shown only the countries that have a size-able volume of registration. Now, drilling down to US-State level breakdown of LLL.IN registration:

The reason I choose the US is that that’s where maximum registrants are from and also the data about states is pretty consistent. I’ll do another post about which states in India contribute to the maximum number of LLL.IN registration in a week or two. Also, I have shown the top states only (with 25 or more registrations). Here is my analysis of the map above:

  1. Most of the registrations of LLL.IN domains are from the small area call DMV (DC-Maryland-Virginia). This area accounts for over 50% of the LLL.IN registrations. Since the map is small, if you hover over the north part of Virginia, you will see DC contributing a significant chunk.
  2. The East side of the US has a lot of states with extensive registrations.
  3. The state with silicon valley and the largest state does not contribute a whole lot yet.
  4. As you see most of the registrations in the middle of US is sparse.

Now over to , here is the map showing top countries:

UK and China top this category of names. All are aware of the Chinese love for numeric domains.

Over to NNNN.INs where we recently had a buyout. Here is the distribution of top countries:

China leads by a huge margin and also the driver of the buyout. The next country is Iran, which is very surprising.

Another thing I wanted to do was combine the distribution of NNN.IN and NNNN.IN domains. Here it is:

Nothing surprising here. And to the last graph of coupling LLL.INs, NNN.INs and NNNN.INs:

So, as you see, many countries outside India have invested in short .IN domains. The registrants outside India hold significant portfolio sizes which obviously helps in increasing the contribution from those countries, and unless there are significant inter-country large buyouts these number would not change a lot.

Downward Trend in Dropping LLL.INs

We are in either golden period of LLL.IN buyout or a drought based on which side of the equation you stand. If you like to register dropping LLL.INs, the phase is akin to a bad monsoon. However, if you have invested in LLL.INs, the period is a harbinger of things to come.

As usual, my first paragraph is backed by solid data as evidence. So here is the graph from data collected as far back as mid-2008.

dropping LLL.IN
On the x-axis, is the year and month. On the y-axis, you can see the count of dropping LLL.INs in any given month. Let me give you an insight on how I arrived at the number of dropping in a month. Since I do a scan every month, the number of dropping LLL.INs  for a month are ALL domains that are in PENDING DELETE or PENDING DELETE RESTORABLE state and scheduled to drop in that month. There is a chance that domains that can be “Restorable” could have been restored and would affect the accuracy of the numbers. But, this case is so uncommon that, you can ignore it as noise and does not impact the analysis of the graph I am about to provide.

So what does this mean for LLL.INs in general, if you have followed my previous post on LLL.IN buyout, the conclusion you can derive from the above is that LLL.IN buyout is here to stay and as LLL.IN domains are spread across various domainers/investors, there will be fewer and fewer drops of LLL.INs. We would soon reach a point like what has happened to LLL.COMs and LLL.IN drops would be fewer and far between. Finally, I sound like a broken record, but the time to buy LLL.IN is now!!!