List of Available LLLL.INs as of March-27th, 2017

Here is the list of all available LLLL.INs as of the scan done on March 27th, 2017.

The stats are:

CVCV Names Available: 8

VCVC Names Available: 7,807

AAAB Names Available: 39

ABBB Names Available: 25

ABAB Names Available: 14

AABB Names Available: 0

ABBA Names Available: 18

CHIP Names Available: 1,877

The trend graph is:

List of Available LLLL.INs as of February-27th, 2017

Here is the list of all available LLLL.INs as of the scan done on February 26th, 2017.

The stats are:

CVCV Names Available: 0

VCVC Names Available: 7,801

AAAB Names Available: 7

ABBB Names Available: 24

ABAB Names Available: 2

AABB Names Available: 1

ABBA Names Available: 1

CHIP Names Available: 1,491

The trend graph is: